Essex Powerlines is undergoing a ground-breaking transformation from a Local Distribution Company into a Distribution System Operator (DSO). A DSO model has the potential to increase Ontario’s power supply, bring customers back online faster after outages, contribute to electrification and net-zero emissions goals, increase customer choice and reduce the costs associated with additional infrastructure buildouts, potentially saving ratepayers money on their hydro bills.
PowerShare is a near real-time electricity market being implemented by Essex Powerlines in Leamington, Ontario. This innovative project will harness the energy of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) like solar panels and battery storage to improve grid reliability and support Southwest Ontario’s growing energy needs.
In the first phase of the project, participants will include new and existing DER owners in the Agriculture & Manufacturing industry in Leamington. Essex Powerlines will direct participants to supply or reduce electricity use on demand. Energy asset owners will be compensated for providing their energy flexibility in the PowerShare market.
PowerShare is supported by the Independent Electricity System Operator Grid Innovation Fund and the Ontario Energy Board Innovation Sandbox. It is made possible with the support of partners Essex Energy, NODES and Utilismart Corporation.