New Customer / Move in
Complete the moving request form to help simplify your move! This form should be completed at least 3 business days prior to your move. We are committed to keeping the personal information of our customers accurate, confidential, secure and private. If you would like to know how we handle customer information, please visit our Privacy Policy.
Already an existing customer, but moving to a new home in our service territory?
Account Number
Your account number changes every time you move. If you are moving into a new home in Essex Powerlines’ service territory and already are an existing Essex Powerlines customer, your account number will change. Please make sure to adjust your account number on our customer portal, MyAccount. If you need assistance during this process, please call our Customer Service Representatives at 519-737-6640.
Automated Payments
If you’re registered for our pre-authorized payment plan, you can request to automatically transfer your existing plan to your new address online.
Ontario Electricity Association Program (OESP)
If you are moving within Ontario and currently receive an Ontario Electricity Support Program credit on your electricity bill, you will need to reapply to receive the credit at your new address. Find out how to re-apply at or call 1-855-831-8151.
What information do I need if I am a new customer?
Please have the following information readily available when you fill out the form:
- The address you are moving to/new address
- The move-in date
- Contact information (First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, etc.)
- Date of Birth
What information do I need if I am an existing customer?
Please have the following information readily available:
- Your current address as well as your new address
- Your move in and move out dates
- Contact information (First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, etc.)
- MyAccount information
Cancel Service
Essex Powerlines must be advised at least 72 hours prior to your last day of service so that your final meter reading can be recorded, and service can be disconnected. To open, close, or update your account, please call our Customer Service Department at 519-737-6640.
Call Before You Dig
Are you planning to put in fence posts, plant a tree, excavate a pool, deck or a new addition? Before you dig, think about what services might be buried in the ground because what you CAN’T see CAN hurt you. Digging without a locate puts your safety and others at risk. It’s the LAW to request a locate before you dig.
Ontario One Call
This is a FREE service for excavators and homeowners, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please call five full business days before you dig.
To request an underground cable locate, follow these simple steps:
- Submit an e-ticket at or contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255. This service is available 24/7.
- To help you plan your work, please give at least 5 business days’ notice. A service representative will clearly mark electrical lines in RED on the ground and provide you with a locate sheet that includes a diagram of where your underground facilities are located.
- Once you have your locates, it’s important to keep safe digging in mind.
- Visit Ontario One Call or Dig Safe for more information.
For more information or assistance, please contact our Customer Service Representatives:
Tree Trimming Report
Essex Powerlines has a preventative maintenance Tree Trimming Program in place. The tree trimming program proactively provides trimming to primary and secondary lines in each of our municipalities, on an annual rotation. The trimming is done by a specific radius in our tree trimming guidelines.
The Tree Trimming Project is being complete by Goodreau Excavating.
Please note that Essex Powerlines will only trim trees in emergency situations, such as a loss of essential service. If you notice branches near power lines on your property, please contact a local arborist to assess the situation and provide trimming maintenance. Essex Powerlines will provide disconnect/reconnect services at no charge to ensure the area is safe before trimming trees.
If you have any further questions, or need to request disconnection of service for tree trimming maintenance, please contact us.

Stop | Caution | Caution | Go |
No Tree Zone! | Small Tree Zone | Medium Tree Zone | Large Tree Zone |
No trees, evergreen or shrubs within 25′ of power lines | Plant trees less than 25′ in height / spread at least 25′ from overhead power lines | Plant trees 25′-40′ in height / spread at least 40′ from overhead power lines | Plant trees larger than 40′ in height / spread at least 60′ from overhead power lines |
Third Party Access Form
Please note that the Essex Powerlines billing structure for the Town of Amherstburg has changed. If you are a landlord wishing to grant access to a third-party (tenant) to pay Essex Powerlines directly and have access to the account, please fill out the form below.
For more information or assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Utility Clearances
When working in close proximity to live voltage, safety is a key priority. For all projects that are near electrical infrastructure, we ask that you review the following documents and contact Essex Powerlines if you have any questions.