Reading your bill

Essex Powerlines Bill Breakdown
This is the amount of electricity you used in kWh. On your bill, you will see a breakdown of your consumption by month, daily average, and by time-of-use periods.
The off-peak electricity consumption is shown in green on your bill. This is the least expensive period to consume electricity.
The mid-peak electricity consumption is shown in yellow on your bill. Electricity costs during mid-peak period are in the mid range.
The on-peak electricity consumption is shown in red. Electricity costs are most expensive during on-peak periods.
Essex Powerlines has 10-digit account numbers. This number is important when paying electricity bills, or when signing up for paperless billing.
Your bill will show you the meter readings for your current bill, as well as your previous bill. The difference between the two readings is equates to your base usage. The meter readings get adjusted using the “adjustment factor” which equates for losses during transmission. The current adjustment factor is 1.0355
Charges and Rebates
Delivery Charge
The delivery charge covers the cost of delivering electricity from generators to your home. This cost includes upgrading and maintaining electrical equipment, such as transmission and distribution lines, poles, towers, as well as costs to maintain operations of local electricity systems. This charge represents a small portion of your electricity bill. A portion of the delivery charges are fixed and do not change from month-to-month.
The delivery charge also includes the cost of electricity lost when it is distributed. When electricity travels over power lines, approximately 3.55% of it gets lost. This is because equipment, such as wires and transformers, consume power before it gets to your home (called “line losses”). To compensate for this loss, more power must be generated for you than you use. To combat costs, an “adjustment factor” is calculated by comparing the total amount of electricity we bought to the amount of electricity we deliver to the homes of and businesses of our customers. Adjustment factors must be approved by the Ontario Energy Board. This cost gets paid to our suppliers.
Ontario Electricity Rebate
The Ontario Electricity Rebate (“OER”) came into effect on November 1, 2019 and applies to customers’ bills to reduce the pre-HST amount of the bill. The OER replaced the Fair Hydro Plan adjustments to the price of electricity.
Regulatory Charges
These charges are for funding programs and is paid to the Independent Electricity System Operator, Ministry of Energy.
Customer Classes
Customer class represents the nature of the customer. The range of classes includes residential, general service (commercial-industrial) and large (industrial) users.
ELECTRICITY – This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during this billing period and is the part of the bill that is subject to competition.
DELIVERY – These are the costs of delivering electricity from generating stations across the Province to Essex Powerlines then to your home or business. This includes the costs to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles and operate provincial and local electricity systems. A portion of these charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use. The delivery charge also includes costs relating to electricity lost through distributing electricity to your home or business*. Essex Powerlines collects this money and pays this amount directly to our suppliers. *When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small amount of power to be consumed or lost as heat. Equipment, such as wires and transformers, consumes power before it gets to your home or business.
ELECTRICITY – This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during this billing period and is the part of the bill that is subject to competition. The electricity consumed is multiplied by the adjustment factor*. Essex Powerlines collects this money and pays this amount directly to our suppliers. *When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small amount of power to be consumed or lost as heat. Equipment, such as wires and transformers, consumes power before it gets to your home or business. The adjustment factor accounts for these losses.
DELIVERY – These are the costs of delivering electricity from generating stations across the Province to Essex Powerlines then to your home or business. This includes the costs to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles and operate provincial and local electricity systems. A portion of these charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use.
Regulatory charges are the costs of administering the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of the provincial grid and include the costs associated with funding Ministry of Energy conservation and renewable energy programs.
Electricity generators in Ontario receive a combination of payments from the operation of the wholesale market, payments set by regulation and payments under contracts. Your portion of the net adjustments arising from these and other authorized payments is included on your bill as the Global Adjustment.
For a detailed explanation of electricity terms or rates, please visit our website at or
For a detailed breakdown and to better understand your bill, click here.