Employee Involvement
Our Essex Powerlines employees make a great effort to give back to the communities we serve and live in. Some examples of our community involvement include:
Giving back to local food banks
Each year, Essex Power employees make it a priority to give back to local food banks, whether it be through monetary donations or volunteering their time. In 2018, as part of a paperless billing campaign that encouraged customers to signup for EPL’s ebilling services, employees collected over 6000 canned goods that were distributed to local food banks and helped raise $4200 through corporate and employee means.
The recipients of the donations include:
- Amherstburg Food & Fellowship Mission
- Tecumseh Goodfellows
- Leamington Salvation Army
- St. Andrew’s LaSalle Food Bank
Employees also made the efforts to visit their local food banks to learn about how they operate, in-demand items that could be donated, and about other volunteering opportunities. Some employees were able to participate in preparing food for a lunch serving at the Amherstburg Food & Fellowship Mission. In addition, each year, proceeds from Essex Powerlines’ Annual Christmas Party go to Foodbanks in our communities!
Tecumseh Goodfellows
Each year, Essex Powerlines employees volunteer with the Tecumseh Goodfellows during their Christmas time newspaper drive. Over a span of three days in November, volunteers hit the streets to collect donations for a worthy cause. The local Goodfellows started this tradition in 1910 and have used the donations to fill up Christmas baskets for families and individuals in need. The organization has expanded its offerings throughout the years, supplying food banks and supporting school breakfast programs as well.
Partners for Life
Essex Powerlines has joined the movement to give life through the #PartnersForLife program. Each year, Essex Powerlines employees help raise awareness by setting an annual donation pledge and participating in the mobile donation event. Our employees often help exceed our pledged amount of 20 units per year!
Partners for life is a great initiative offered through Canadian Blood Services. The Canadian Blood Services strive to help every patient, match every need and serve every Canadian. A single blood donation can make a lifesaving difference to someone in need.