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Outage Centre

This map includes power outage information affecting ten or more customers in the same area. The map is updated every fifteen minutes.

Please note that this map does not include momentary outages. Momentary outages, or auto reclosures, occur when a circuit breaker opens momentarily to allow a temporary problem on the distribution system to be corrected and cleared (ex. Animal contact or lightning strike). The circuit will automatically close to restore power when it is safe to do so. This helps avoid prolonged power outages and helps protect equipment.

Don’t See your Outage?

You can report an outage using our online form here or you can call our Outage Centre at 519-737-6640.
Our Emergency After Hours phone number is 519-561-6366.

    Time of power loss :

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    Outage History

    Unplanned Outage in LaSalle

    Customers Affected: 6
    Municipalities: LaSalle


    Planned Outage in Amherstburg

    Customers Affected: 7
    Municipalities: Amherstburg


    Unplanned Outage in Amherstburg

    Customers Affected: 7
    Municipalities: Amherstburg


    Planned Outage in Amherstburg

    Customers Affected: 2
    Municipalities: Amherstburg
